One of the best ways that I know how to create more peace and freedom in the world is to give back to organizations that are working to create peace and freedom.
There are so many good organizations that are working diligently to make the world a better place. That is why a minimum of 25% of gross (not net) proceeds will go directly to non-profit organizations that are working for better health, peace, and human equality throughout the world.
Every time you buy or sell any item in the Universal Quest collection, you can feel good knowing that you will be giving back to the world.
The same way we are giving back to our Universal Quest Genesis Pioneers by airdrops and whitelisting for future projects, we will be giving back financially through the Universal Quest so we can move a little closer to peace and freedom (freece) for everyone on this planet.
Join our discord to let us know what organizations you see as working to make substantial changes toward freedom and peace in the world.
Join the Universal Quest discord and follow our Twitter to get updates as new art is posted and as more information about the Universal Quest is released.